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Ep. 159: Drug Law Reforms To Stop Opioid Crisis
Dr. Evan Wood of the BC Centre on Substance Use says it's time to completely re-examine our drug policies and our drug laws.
Ep. 158: Vancouver At the Epicentre of Biotech
For Eaves, there are no limits. “We are going for world domination and it’s all working out nicely.”
Ep. 157: Are Distracted Drivers Making Roads Dangerous?
ICBC says over the past five years, close to 400 people have lost their lives due to distracted driving. The insurance company, along with police forces throughout the province, are clamping down with an increasing number of counter-attack programs.
Ep. 156: Small Business and the Canadian Economy
Small businesses bring enormous value to the economy. That is according to Laura Jones of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.
Ep. 155: Getting Public Buy-In for Public Infrastructure Projects
Jane Bird is the CEO of the Canada Line Rapid Transit Inc, the company that planned, built and figured out how to pay for the public transit line to Richmond and the airport.
Ep. 154: Legalizing Marijuana in Canada
With less than 11 months before pot become legal, is Canada ready? The answer is "probably not" and there will be mistakes. Provincial governments across the country are already telling Ottawa it is moving too fast.
Ep. 153: Is Omar Khadr a victim or a terrorist?
We sat down with Scott Taylor for a conversation about the reasons why Mr. Khadr should be seen as a victim and how we need to examine Canada's treatment of human rights.
Ep. 152: Is Site C Right for British Columbia?
BC Hydro CEO Jessica McDonald believed that Site C was the right project for British Columbia.
Ep. 151: Does Site C Infringe on First Nations Rights?
The rights of First Nations are being infringed upon by the Site C dam. That is the legal perspective of the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations, who also question BC Hydro's numbers. Do they add up?
Ep. 150: British Columbia, Alberta, and Canada's Energy Transition
To talk about the largest energy revolution since the introduction of electricity, we sat down with Markham Hislop, for a Conversation That Matters.
Ep. 149: Policy Should Be Based on Facts, not Emotional Appeal
Blair King is an earth scientist who specializes in environmental remediation. He speaks out on a range of resource-based issues. He appreciates that emotional appeals are extremely compelling and he understands why we all want to rally around a good story.
Ep. 148: Understanding What it Means to be Transgender
What does it mean to be transgender? The term is relatively new. It is widely misunderstood. Many people believe trans or transgender is about sexual orientation rather than gender identity.
Ep. 147: Marijuana Legalization in Canada: Risks, Rewards
The Honourable Anne McLellan leads the task force on legalizing marijuana in Canada. She says, "It's a bold move" because Canada becomes the first G-20 country to make pot legal. In doing so, we contravene three United Nations treaties that control or prohibit access to drugs like marijuana.
Ep. 146: The power of English
Chinglish, Franglish, Hinglish and so on, all of which have their own phonemes and graphemes that make understanding one another challenging.
Ep. 145: Fixing Canada's Health Care System
Our medical system is broken. That is according to Dr. Brian Day. He's been advocating for change for more than a decade.
Ep. 144: The Fate of Fort St. John, Alberta and Site C Dam
Fort St. John is a town on edge. With all the talk about pausing or cancelling Site C, no one is looking at the impact on the people who work on the project, the impact on the City and Not For Profit organizations.
Ep. 143: Frailty Can Rob You of the Best Years of Your Life
Frailty can rob you of your golden years and your life. That is the warning from Dr. Grace Park, who is spearheading Fraser Health’s Frailty Project, called CARES.
Ep. 142: Can Tech Make You a Smarter Patient?
When Dr. Roni Zieger left his role as Google’s Chief Health Strategist, he wanted to create Smart Patients, an online network of what he calls “micro-experts.”
Ep. 141: Canada's Opportunity to Build Relations With Asia
Donald Trump's isolationist and anti-trade rhetoric aimed at Asia presents an opportunity for Canada. That is according to Stewart Beck of the Asia Pacific Foundation. But are we capitalizing on this?
Ep. 140: Reducing Canadian Surgical Wait Times
Are you or someone you know living with chronic pain? Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to see an orthopaedic surgeon? Then, why it takes longer still to get a date for surgery?