Ep. 158: Vancouver At the Epicentre of Biotech

Guest: Dr. Allen Eaves, STEMCELL Technologies

Dr. Allen Eaves is the founder, CEO and President of STEMCELL Technologies, Canada’s most successful biotech company.

It is a firm that is playing a pivotal role in fostering a community of biotech startups. Eaves says, "We're very keen to support an ecosystem of biotechnology here and be closely related with the universities, especially UBC and SFU, and you know, this is my passion."

STEMCELL Technologies has experienced year-over-year growth of 20% over the past quarter-century. Eaves predicts that will continue: "Over the next 15 years, we're going to be hiring 5,000 more people and our sales will be well over one billion dollars, and we'll be even more of a global company. At only 3% of our sales, the Canadian market is small."

Not only is STEMCELL Technologies fostering growth and employing scientists, it is also playing a significant role in generating export sales, which Eaves points out "are worth two to three times the value of dollars generated within an economy. And so we're gonna continue to do this, and of course, I would like to see this evolve into supporting all the things we do in healthcare."

Where does he go from here? For Eaves, there are no limits. Not only does he plan to work for the rest of his life, he plans to do so with gusto. "We are going for world domination and it's all working out nicely."


Ep. 159: Drug Law Reforms To Stop Opioid Crisis


Ep. 157: Are Distracted Drivers Making Roads Dangerous?