Ep. 152: Is Site C Right for British Columbia?

Guest: Jessica McDonald, CEO of BC Hydro

(Note: This Conversation was recorded in April 2017 at Site C. Our guest requested that the Conversation be embargoed until after the final results of the provincial election were known.)

BC Hydro CEO Jessica McDonald believed that Site C was the right project for British Columbia.

Our Conversation with her covers a wide range of topics, including projected energy demand, sources of clean reliable energy, the expropriation of the Boon family farm, the loss of arable land, erosion of the banks of the Peace River, the claims of Treaty Rights infringement by the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations and more.

Ms. McDonald was dismissed as CEO within days of the swearing-in of John Horgan as Premier. While Ms. McDonald is identified in the video as the CEO of BC Hydro, which was true at the time, she no longer speaks for the company.


Ep. 153: Is Omar Khadr a victim or a terrorist?


Ep. 151: Does Site C Infringe on First Nations Rights?