Ep. 143: Frailty Can Rob You of the Best Years of Your Life

Guest: Dr. Grace Park, CARES Frailty Project

Frailty can rob you of your golden years and your life.

That is the warning from Dr. Grace Park, who is spearheading Fraser Health’s Frailty Project, called CARES.

She goes on to say there is hope. Tou can live a healthy and meaningful life well into your 90s, so long as you get off your butt, change what you put in your mouth and work with your physician.

CARES is an extensive project that includes clinicians, community resources like fitness centres, social gatherings and dietary advice. At the core of the project is the Geriatric Assessment Tool that produces data that is applied to a frailty scale.

Where you sit on that scale is a precise measurement that informs you, your doctor and everyone else associated with your health with an accurate picture on your well-being.


Ep. 144: The Fate of Fort St. John, Alberta and Site C Dam


Ep. 142: Can Tech Make You a Smarter Patient?