Ep. 142: Can Tech Make You a Smarter Patient?

Guest: Dr. Roni Zeiger, former Google executive

When Dr. Roni Zeiger who left his role as Google’s Chief Health Strategist, he wanted to create Smart Patients, an online network of what he calls "micro-experts."

He says, "We believe patients are the most underutilized resource in health care."

Far too many patients are uncertain; they don’t fill prescriptions or when they do, they don’t take the medication. Zeiger believes the medical profession has created silos where the patient has questions that keep coming up once they’ve left the doctor's office.

He goes on to say that they talk to one another all the time and frequently follow the recommendations of a friend with confidence, because they witnessed the result or simply believe them.

Zeiger decided to create the forum that lets patients talk to one another about their specific health issue, secure in the knowledge that a medical professional is monitoring the conversation to ensure the information is valid, as well as offer further insights.


Ep. 143: Frailty Can Rob You of the Best Years of Your Life


Ep. 141: Canada's Opportunity to Build Relations With Asia