Ep. 141: Canada's Opportunity to Build Relations With Asia

Guest: Stewart Beck, CEO of Asia Pacific Foundation

Donald Trump's isolationist and anti-trade rhetoric aimed at Asia presents an opportunity for Canada.

That is according to Stewart Beck of the Asia Pacific Foundation. But are we capitalizing on this? Or did we squander the endowment that was created in 1970 by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau when Canada was the first nation in the world to recognize the government of the People's Republic of China?

Many experts believe Canada relied too heavily on our relationship with the United States and, in doing so, missed out on China and Asia. Australia recognized the opportunities and negotiated trade deals with both China and Japan while Canada did little or nothing.

The question is, does a unique opportunity to distinguish ourselves from the United States exist, now that Donald Trump sits in the President's chair in the White House?

What are we doing to seize that opportunity and use it to our advantage in international relations? How should we move forward to take part in Asian markets, where previously we've failed to rise to the occasion?

In particular, what is our nation's plan in recognizing and moving in on opportunities in Asia Pacific, an economic region that is called home to 65% of our worldwide population?


Ep. 142: Can Tech Make You a Smarter Patient?


Ep. 140: Reducing Canadian Surgical Wait Times