Ep. 156: Small Business and the Canadian Economy

Guest: Laura Jones, Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Small businesses bring enormous value to the economy.

That is according to Laura Jones of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. She points out, "Over half the private sector jobs are in small business. So small businesses create jobs. But they do way more than just creating jobs. You know in an economic downturn, big businesses are really quick to shed jobs. Small businesses are not. They try and keep their employees. And what that does, is it creates a lot of economic stability."

Jones goes on to address the proposed tax changes that will have a significant impact on small business. According to her, "Small businesses are insulted by the tone that the government is taking around these consultations: a tone that suggests small business people are trying to cheat on taxes."


Ep. 157: Are Distracted Drivers Making Roads Dangerous?


Ep. 155: Getting Public Buy-In for Public Infrastructure Projects