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Politics Stuart McNish Politics Stuart McNish

Ep. 420: Has Canada lost its way?

We invited Ken Coates to join us for a Conversation That Matters about Canadians need to turn our attention to the issues that are bubbling to the surface and could dramatically change our quality of life.

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Economy Stuart McNish Economy Stuart McNish

Ep. 377: Canada’s Investment Crisis

Stuart McNish invited Jock Finlayson, the past Chief Economist at the Business Council of British Columbia, to join him for a Conversation That Matters about how Canada became a less attractive place to invest for international and domestic investors and why British Columbia is even less attractive.

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Politics Stuart McNish Politics Stuart McNish

Ep. 264: Why the Canada-China relationship needs a reset

We invited Jonathan Manthorpe to join us for a Conversation That Matters about our distorted view of our relationship with China and how we might get it on track to accurately reflect its true nature – that being, we are a pawn in China’s North American strategy and we own natural resources their overheated economy requires.

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