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Ep. 186: How to optimize your brain
We invited Aileen Burford-Mason to join us for a Conversation That Matters on how to optimize your brain at any age.
Ep. 185: Treating Illness with Fecal Transplants
We invited Dr Jeremy Burton, the Deputy Director of the Canadian Centre for Human Microbiome and Probiotics, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the exciting research underway in treating your well-being by re-engineering the bacteria in your intestinal tract.
Ep. 184: The Diabolical Selling of Sugar to Kids
We asked Mark Collison of Heart and Stroke to join us for a Conversation That Matters about how the marketing of food to kids is affecting their lifelong health.
Ep. 183: Genomic Research in BC gets huge boost
We asked Genome BC Chief Science Officer Catalina Lopez-Correa to join us for a Conversation That Matters about how genomics is reshaping our lives.
Ep. 182: The Ugly Truth about Supplements
We asked Dr David Wang to join us for a Conversation That Matters about why you need to be just as picky about nutraceuticals as you are about the food you eat.
Ep. 170: Former Addicts Devote Lives to Recovery of Others
To learn more about Turning Point, its origins, how it operates, and how it demonstrates there is hope in a sea of despair, we sat down with Brenda Plant for a Conversation That Matters.
Ep. 169: Hydromorphone: A User's Story
We sat down with Colin for a Conversation That Matters about the opioid crisis, the hydromorphone IV treatment program, mental health, housing and the potential he hopes to realize.
Ep. 168: The Brain That Changes and Heals Itself
We asked Dr Doidge to join us for a Conversation That Matters about our remarkably adaptable brains.
Ep. 166: How Frail Are You?: The Frailty Index
We asked Dr. Rockwood to join us for a Conversation That Matters about changing what we know about frailty and how we treat it.
Ep. 165: How to combat frailty
Dr. John Muscedere of the Canadian Frailty Network is committed to fighting frailty. He joins us this week for a Conversation That Matters on why frailty is the fight of our lives and what we and everyone involved in health care can and need to do about it.
Ep. 164: The Science of Stretch
What happens when you stretch? What exactly are you stretching? Is it your muscle or is it your connective tissue?
Ep. 159: Drug Law Reforms To Stop Opioid Crisis
Dr. Evan Wood of the BC Centre on Substance Use says it's time to completely re-examine our drug policies and our drug laws.
Ep. 158: Vancouver At the Epicentre of Biotech
For Eaves, there are no limits. “We are going for world domination and it’s all working out nicely.”
Ep. 154: Legalizing Marijuana in Canada
With less than 11 months before pot become legal, is Canada ready? The answer is "probably not" and there will be mistakes. Provincial governments across the country are already telling Ottawa it is moving too fast.
Ep. 147: Marijuana Legalization in Canada: Risks, Rewards
The Honourable Anne McLellan leads the task force on legalizing marijuana in Canada. She says, "It's a bold move" because Canada becomes the first G-20 country to make pot legal. In doing so, we contravene three United Nations treaties that control or prohibit access to drugs like marijuana.
Ep. 145: Fixing Canada's Health Care System
Our medical system is broken. That is according to Dr. Brian Day. He's been advocating for change for more than a decade.
Ep. 143: Frailty Can Rob You of the Best Years of Your Life
Frailty can rob you of your golden years and your life. That is the warning from Dr. Grace Park, who is spearheading Fraser Health’s Frailty Project, called CARES.
Ep. 142: Can Tech Make You a Smarter Patient?
When Dr. Roni Zieger left his role as Google’s Chief Health Strategist, he wanted to create Smart Patients, an online network of what he calls “micro-experts.”
Ep. 140: Reducing Canadian Surgical Wait Times
Are you or someone you know living with chronic pain? Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to see an orthopaedic surgeon? Then, why it takes longer still to get a date for surgery?
Ep. 137: Treat Childhood ADHD with Nutrition
Neither stimulant nor nonstimulant drugs may be options for children with ADHD. That's what Karen Ryan discovered. She is the mother of a child that was clinically diagnosed with ADHD. She quit her job as a nutritionist to care for her son.