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Ep. 129: Why Accessibility Matters
"We are all on a long slippery slope towards mobility challenges." That is according to Brad McCannell of the Rick Hansen Foundation. He says the time to pay attention to accessibility in your home, your office and your city is now.
Ep. 125: A medical heroin model that's working
Can you treat heroin addicts with more heroin? Eugenia Oviedto-Joekes leads a team of researchers to look into this.
Ep. 124: The Power of Food To Change Your Life
How can food change your life? Adam Hart is the author of "The Power of Food," based on his experiences with what he eats – food that made him sick, food that prevented him from staying focused, food that was killing him, food that ultimately saved him and changed his life.
Ep. 122: Writing While Dying of Prostate Cancer
Michael Izen just cleared 50 and he's on a collision course with death from prostate cancer. His humorous look at his prostate cancer and how it is taking his life, "Finger Up the Bum" demonstrates that even while facing death life with joy and purpose.
Ep. 118: Best Ways To Lose Weight
We've been conned by the weight loss industry. That is according to Dr. Michael Lyon, one of Canada’s top obesity experts. He claims the industry is tricking us into believing there is a magic formula to losing weight.
Ep. 104: British Columbians Live the Longest in Canada
British Columbians have the highest longevity in Canada. That is something Dr. Rhonda Low points out, noting that the key to how long you live is how you live.
Ep. 100: Surviving A Terminal Diagnosis
Kathy McLaughlin was one or two heartbeats on this side of death – and survived. Her journey is harrowing, it’s gut wrenching, and it stretches your imagination to the brink, leaving you wondering if you could have survived.
Ep. 098: Mapping The Human Genome
In 2000, the world of medicine and research was all aflutter with possibility. The human genome project was about to wrap up and we were promised huge health benefits. That was 16 years ago and so far, reality has come up short of the promised potential.
Ep. 094: Answers to Men's Health Questions
Why do men die almost five years earlier than women? Dr. John Oliffe is the driving force behind a University of British Columbia research project looking into that question.
Ep. 093: Growing Old, Staying Healthy
The secret to getting old and being happy and healthy is relatively simple. That is according to Dr. Gifford-Jones, who has been writing health columns for more than 25 years. He has a list of do’s and don'ts which are pretty easy to follow.
Ep. 086: Bank Immune Cells for Health Emergencies
What if you can capture your healthy immune cells, freeze them and then get them back later if you get cancer or some other life threatening disease? That is the vision of Jeff Schulz, who is spearheading a Vancouver based company that wants to do that.
Ep. 075: Canada's Stance on Assisted Dying Laws
Howard Shapray knows all too well the challenges deteriorating health has on a person and their family. He was a member of the legal team that challenged Canada’s assisted death legislation in the Supreme Court of Canada and won.
Ep. 070: Can Stem Cell Research Lead to A Cure for Diabetes?
"It is encouraging. No one has ever done anything quite like this before." That is Dr. Kevin D'Amour's take on a device designed to change lives.
Ep. 069: How does Traditional Chinese Medicine Work?
Dr. Joseph Sung is the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong, and a global leader in gastroenterology who has published more 800 full scientific articles and written more than 25 books. In short, he is a highly respected health care practitioner.
Ep. 066: Healthy Ways to Manage Your Weight
We’ve been conned by the weight loss industry into believing there is a magic formula to losing weight and keeping it off. That is according to Dr. Michael Lyon, one of Canada’s top obesity experts. He says “eat less and move more” is only half true.
Ep. 064: Is that food safe to eat?
Steve Burton, following a terrifying bout of food poisoning, changed his purpose in life and now he’s working with food producers to help them ensure the food you eat is safe.
Ep. 061: Why Functional Medicine Works
Dr. Jeffrey Bland is the father of functional medicine. He says, “We’re in a time of revolution. This transition into the 21st century with biomedicine and our understanding of the origin of health and disease is truly epicly changing.”
Ep. 057: Introducing Traditional Chinese Medicine to the West
In 1973, Dr. Steven Aung, from his new home in Edmonton, introduced Canada to Traditional Chinese Medicine. At the time of his arrival in Canada, Dr. Aung was an accredited Medical Doctor and a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner.
Ep. 046: From Mental Illness to Wellness: A Guide
David MacDonald is the driving force behind the Clubhouse movement in British Columbia. It is a model of helping people transition from illness to wellness, a program that provides assistance, skills training and a network of support.
Ep. 039: Guide to Better Brain Health
“If you want to have a healthy brain treasure your sleep because it’s vitally important.” That is what Dr. Max Cynader, the founding Director at the Brain Research Centre at the University of British Columbia, believes.