Ep. 436: Personalized Cancer Genomics

Guest: Marco Marra, BC Cancer

Unlocking the genomic code of cancer – all types of cancer – is an ongoing research endeavour that, when completed, will be a great leap forward.

POG is a BC Cancer, Genome BC and Terry Fox Research Institute program designed to offer personalized oncogenomic treatment to cancer patients.

The program is a clinical research initiative that started in 2012. The aim is to decode the genome – the entire DNA and RNA inside the cell – of each patient’s cancer and provide that information in a way that can be a part of treatment planning and decision-making.

The POG program has and is working. Since its beginning, data sharing has been recognized as a fundamentally important component that supports and enhances local, national and international research which drives innovation and science in cancer research.

We invited Dr Marco Marra of BC Cancer to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the final frontier in defeating cancer.


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