Ep. 298: The link between food production and fossil fuels

Guest: Quick Dick McDick

Saskatchewan farmer Quick Dick McDick has decided to throw himself into a number of hot-button issues.

Food production and its reliance on fossil fuels is a common theme. From his perspective: “You can’t have one without the other.” It’s a point he believed was being drowned out by people in urban settings, who as he put it, “have no idea what it takes to produce food in Canada.”

Rather than moan and whine, Quick Dick decided to employ cutting humor and a raw on-camera presence to make his point. Namely, he feels that decisions about how to produce food and the increasing cost of energy are out of touch with the reality of farming. His concern is: “I worry that we’re needlessly driving up the cost of food production while the commodity price on crops has not gone up, making it even more difficult than it already is to be a farmer.”

His style is a no-holds-barred poke-ya-in-the-eye one that has gained him a huge online audience. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney shared QDM’s “Protestor Diet” video and, in doing so, ignited interest in Quick Dick’s YouTube channel. Now he is an internet sensation and before C-19, he was in hot demand as a speaker.

We caught up with QDM on his farm in Saskatchewan as he was seeding one of his fields. We invited him to join us for a Conversation That Matters about him, his message and why he is not going to stop sharing his down-to-earth messages.


Ep. 299: The links between faith and self


Ep. 297: The challenges of greenhouse farming in Canada