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Ep. 546: Demolition Crisis
We invited Glyn Lewis of Renewal Development to join us for a Conversation That Matters about relocation alternatives to demolition that protect the environment and provide new housing for growing urban areas.
Ep. 501: Is 2050 a Realistic Net-Zero Goal?
Roger Pielke Jr. joins us today for a Conversation That Matters about whether net-zero by 2050 is realistic.
Ep. 500: Are Bitcoin and A.I. Energy Pigs?
We invited Alex de Vries of Digiconomist to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the unintended consequences of digital technology consumption.
Ep. 489: The Path to Urban Net Zero
We invited Jeanette Jackson to join us for Conversation That Matters about the opportunities and challenges ahead for us on our path to greenhouse gas reduction.
Ep. 443: Monitoring the Ocean in Real-Time
We invited Dr. Scott Beatty of MarineLabs to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the importance of real-time wind and wave data and the long-term insights it provides to coastal communities and the plan for changing climatic conditions.
Ep. 435: British Columbia’s Forestry Woes, Explained
We invited John Brink to join us for a Conversation That Matter about how we got to the current state of forestry in BC.
Ep. 434: The State of Salmon in British Columbia
We invited Jason Hwang, the Vice President of Salmon at the Pacific Salmon Foundation, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the state of salmon in BC.
Ep. 430: How We Can Save Plastic
We invited Bob Masterson of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada to join us for a Conversation That Matters about turning plastics into a renewable resource.
Ep. 426: Can Farming Survive Government Policy?
We invited Kristjan Hebert to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the myriad ways in which agriculture benefits the environment and how farmers are constantly striving to improve best practices.
Ep. 415: Is paper the right environmental choice?
We invited Dr Chris DeArmitt to join us for a Conversation That Matters about plastics, their myths and their misconceptions.
Ep. 408: Ethanol: The Forgotten Alternative Fuel?
To take us on a fascinating examination of the history of ethanol, we invited Marc Rauch, the author of the “Ethanol Papers”, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the remarkable advantages to a fuel supplement that you can only buy at four gas stations in Canada and sparsely throughout the United States.
Ep. 388: Ahoy Batteries! Electric Batteries On Board
Stuart McNish invited Brent Perry of Shift Clean Energy to join him for a Conversation that Matters about his batteries-as-a-service model and how it will play a significant role in shifting shipping from black energy to clean energy.
Ep. 375: Beef Industry’s Commitment to Carbon Reduction
We invited Ruariaidh Petre to join us from Nelson, New Zealand for a Conversation That Matters about the global effort underway to ensure cattle are a sustainable nutritional and environmental part of the world food supply.
Ep. 355: Is cattle ranching sustainable?
Stuart McNish invited fourth generation rancher Cherie Copithorne-Barnes to join him for this episode of Conversations That Matter, Food for Thought to ask her about beef.
Ep. 345: Is all methane created equal?
Stuart McNish invited Dr. Robert Howarth of Cornell University to join him for a Conversation That Matters about digging deeper to understand the complex world of methane.
Ep. 344: How can we stop one billion bottles?
We invited David Katz of Plastic Bank to join us for a Conversation That Matters about working to ensure plastic can be recycled, can be a part of the circular economy and can continue to play a positive role in people’s lives.
Ep. 339: Is the Great Barrier Reef dying?
We invited marine biologist Gareth Phillips to join us for a fascinating Conversation That Matters about the Great Barrier Reef and what we can all do to ensure it remains as healthy as possible.
Ep. 338: Agriculture: problem or solution?
We invited agricultural climate specialist Dr. Jeff Seale to join us for a Conversation That Matters, Food For Thought episode, about working with plants to help reduce carbon in the atmosphere.
Ep. 334: Do Catastrophic Predictions Come True?
We invited Dr. Patrick Moore to join us for a Conversation That Matters about predictions of catastrophic threats.
Ep. 333: Why cows might not be the villains of climate change
We invited Dr Frank Mitloehner to join us for a Conversation That Matters about cows, cattle, the environment and how we can’t live without ruminants.