Ep. 195: Resources for Future Generations

Guest: John Thompson

French President Emmanuel Macron says, “There is no planet B”; in other words we need to take care of planet A.

The statement is offered in the spirit of our environmental performance. It suggests we need to change the way we extract, use and burn the minerals, elements and fuels of the earth or face an uncertain and potentially dire future.

The challenge of our time, however, lies in how to shift from where we are to where we need to be. And recognizing at the same time the pressure to maintain our lifestyle and protect the economy will be intense as will the growing pressure to stop harming the planet.

Can science and technology provide solutions? How will we build those devices, design the systems and the vehicles we require? Where do the resources come from and are there enough essential elements.

These are the questions that are being asked at “The Resources for Future Generations” conference, an international event dedicated to the availability and delivery of resources to sustain future generations.

We invited John Thompson, the Chair of the conference to join us for a Conversation That Matters about strategies that will identify gaps in our knowledge base, ensuring we meet the needs of future generations.


Ep. 196: Who Will Build Renewable Energy?


Ep. 194: Participatory Democracy in Action