Ep. 194: Participatory Democracy in Action

Guest: Taryn Skalbania, Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance

Margaret Mead said, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it’s the only thing that ever has.” That statement epitomizes bare-knuckled democracy.

It’s underway right now in 21 communities in British Columbia. Communities that are fed up and they’re not going to take it anymore. They’ve come together to petition the Provincial Government to change regulations that favour resource developers over local citizens, local governments and the environment.

The BC Coalition for Forestry Reform says it’s time to put an end to a Campbell Government regulation that handed land use oversight back to the companies that are logging and mining on Crown Lands. The regulation is called, “professional reliance” or self regulation. Since its introduction more than 15 years ago the coalition says, “watersheds have come under attack and there is nothing local governments can do to stop it.”

The Coalition contends “professional reliance” puts logging companies in a conflict of interest. They say, “how can a company be entrusted to protect that very environment it utilizes to make money. The environment loses”

We invited Taryn Skalbania of the Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the right to roll up your sleeves and make sure your government represents everyone’s interests.


Ep. 195: Resources for Future Generations


Ep. 193: Putting the brakes on Vancouver housing