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Ep. 509: Meet the BC Conservative Leader
We invited John Rustad to join us for a Conversation That Matters about his agenda for British Columbia.
Ep. 397: It’s Lonely at the Top
Stuart McNish invited Ron Bremner to join him for a Conversation that Matters about why and how executive coaches play an important role in the lives of leaders.
Ep. 363: Power for All: the dynamics of power
We invited Julie Battilana to join us for a Conversation That Matters about understanding power and how to develop it so that you can gain control over your life.
Ep. 361: Leadership Inside Out: Unearthing the leader within
Stuart McNish invited author, speaker, HR Professional and philosopher Susan Ney to join him for a Conversation That Matters about leadership from the inside out.
Ep. 261: Enabling Future Leaders Through Education
We invited Ryan Beedie to join us for a Conversation That Matters about ensuring promising young women and men can reach their full potential and why that is important to all of us.