Ep. 397: It’s Lonely at the Top

Guest: Ron Bremner, executive coach

"It's lonely at the top" is the famous line in Shakespeare's Henry IV.

The King had a very challenging reign; he felt alone in his misery. “It’s lonely at the top” speaks to the theory that leaders are not only lonely, they’re also isolated – which raises the questions: are they? And if so, where do they find companionship and trust?

Executive coach Ron Bremner says, “One of the challenges is as a CEO or executive leader, you can’t ponder or wonder or muse about anything with the people you report to. What you do, say, think, and decide impacts them and they all want to know you are in control and in charge.”

Bremner goes on to say, “If you appear to be uncertain or inconsistent, your team will lose confidence in you and that’s why you need to find a trusted advisor to work your way through the many challenges you face.”

Stuart McNish invited Ron Bremner to join him for a Conversation that Matters about why and how executive coaches play an important role in the lives of leaders.


Ep. 398: What is Putin’s Long Game?


Ep. 396: Is Vancouver a Headquarter Ghost Town?