Ep. 221: Living Organ Donation: Would you do it?

Guest: Corey Nislow, UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Giving – what does it mean to really give?

One definition is to freely transfer possession to another. As a concept, it’s relatively easy to do. I have something and I choose to give it to you. I have a glass of water and you are thirsty. If I don’t need the water to satisfy my thirst, giving it to you is easy.

If I need the water, however, because I’m parched, giving you the water becomes a bigger issue. Do I share it? Do I keep it? Do I really want to give it to you? And if I do give it to you, what is my motivation? Do I really care about you or does giving you the water make me feel good about myself?

A glass of water is one thing; now consider giving a body part when you are still alive and may need it in the future. If it is a loved one and your organ is compatible, it’s possible to imagine doing so. We regularly hear of siblings or other family members donating an organ.

But what about an anonymous organ donation? That is a true act of giving, we invited Corey Nislow, who did just that, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about giving the gift of life.


Ep. 222: Live Theatre Lives On


Ep. 220: The Leading Cause of Death in Women