Ep. 102: How much plastic is in the oceans?

Guest: Daphne Bramham, journalist

Daphne Bramham just returned from an eye-opening voyage through the Northwest Passage.

“We went through the southern Northwest Passage – the famous passage that Franklin couldn't get through, that hundreds of people died looking for Franklin, every year clogged up, even ten years ago clogged up. We never saw ice. That was the most shocking thing for me, to never see ice.”

Bramham points out that life in the arctic revolves around ice. Without it, the cycle of life changes for all living creatures. On the same journey were scientists from the Vancouver Aquarium testing for microplastics that are invading the oceans like a fog and consumed by every species. If you eat fish, that includes you.


Ep. 103: A Dearth of Carbon


Ep. 101: Why Are The Oceans Warming?