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Ep. 378: Daring Greatly
Sankey has no fear to speak his mind – he takes on everyone and he speaks with conviction and honesty.
Ep. 377: Canada’s Investment Crisis
Stuart McNish invited Jock Finlayson, the past Chief Economist at the Business Council of British Columbia, to join him for a Conversation That Matters about how Canada became a less attractive place to invest for international and domestic investors and why British Columbia is even less attractive.
Ep. 376: British Columbia’s vaccine rollout
Stuart McNish invited Dr. Penny Ballem to join him for a Conversation That Matters about how we got to now and where we’re going from here.
Ep. 375: Beef Industry’s Commitment to Carbon Reduction
We invited Ruariaidh Petre to join us from Nelson, New Zealand for a Conversation That Matters about the global effort underway to ensure cattle are a sustainable nutritional and environmental part of the world food supply.
Ep. 374: Is it time to separate?
Stuart McNish invited Professor Barry Cooper to join him for a Conversation That Matters about Alberta’s mistreatment by Ottawa from the moment it was created to now.
Ep. 373: Sacred and Strong
We invited Dr Shannon McDonald, the acting Chief Health Officer of the First Nations Health Authority, to join Stu for a Conversation That Matters about developing supportive systems that are the roots of wellness that ensure healthy bodies, minds and spirits of First Nations women and girls.
Ep. 372: A Survival Guide in Rogue Times
We invited Jonathan Brill, a Global Futurist and the author of “Rogue Waves,” to join us for a Conversation That Matters about how you can future-proof yourself and your business to survive and profit from radical change.
Ep. 371: How to save our private bookstores
We invited Marc Côté of Cormorant Books to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the important role bookstores play in neighbourhoods and our lives.
Ep. 370: Was Popeye wrong?
We invited Andrea Bertaglio to join us for a Conversation That Matters about eating a balanced diet that includes meat and vegetables.
Ep. 369: The importance of early detection of breast cancer
We invited Dr Paula Gordon to join us for a Conversation That Matters about everything to do with breast cancer, from prevention to detection.
Ep. 368: Your brain on fruits and veggies
We invited Dr Bonnie Kaplan, the co-author of “The Better Brain,” to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the broad spectrum approach to a healthy and better brain.
Ep. 367: Will the 2020s be a decade of rage?
We invited Alec Ross to join us for a Conversation That Matters about rewriting the social contract between business, governments and we, the people.
Ep. 366: Every Child Matters: The Lonely Death of Chanie Wenjack
Stuart McNish invited Michael Downie to join him for a Conversation That Matters about the need to build awareness, advance education, and enhance connections between all peoples in Canada.
Ep. 365: Corporate farmers: Who are they?
Stuart McNish invited blogger, speaker, and one of the voices of ranching in Saskatchewan, Adrienne Ivey, to join him for a frank Conversation That Matters - Food for Thought episode about cattle ranching.
Ep. 364: Bitcoin mining: The British Columbia advantage
We invited Brian Fehr to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the electrifying and powerful partnership he has generated that is benefitting BC and rural communities.
Ep. 363: Power for All: the dynamics of power
We invited Julie Battilana to join us for a Conversation That Matters about understanding power and how to develop it so that you can gain control over your life.
Ep. 362: Is data mapping a crystal ball?
Stuart McNish invited Will Cadell to join him for a Conversation That Matters about the power of accurate time-, space- and velocity-based intel.
Ep. 361: Leadership Inside Out: Unearthing the leader within
Stuart McNish invited author, speaker, HR Professional and philosopher Susan Ney to join him for a Conversation That Matters about leadership from the inside out.
Ep. 360: Is today finally hydrogen's day?
We invited Jessica Verhagen, the CEO of Hydra Energy, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about hydrogen’s role in a low carbon world.
Ep. 359: The link between social media and food
Stuart McNish invited food specialist Dr. Sylvain Charlebois of Dalhousie University to join him for a Conversation That Matters, Food For Thought episode about the dramatic changes underway in food production and supply thanks to consumer empowerment.