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Ep. 394: The Great Wealth Transfer
Stuart McNish invited Nicole Garton to join him for a Conversation that Matters that every family business must have when planning a transfer of ownership.
Ep. 364: Bitcoin mining: The British Columbia advantage
We invited Brian Fehr to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the electrifying and powerful partnership he has generated that is benefitting BC and rural communities.
Ep. 319: Blowing the whistle on Danske Bank
We invited Howard Wilkinson to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the unveiling of the largest money laundering scheme in the world.
Ep. 116: The Financial Realities of Getting Married After 50
There are multiple reasons why, after a half century of living, it gets harder for couples to get together. That is according to Tracy Theemes, a certified financial planner with a keen eye on the complex issues related to marriage later in life.
Ep. 107: Practice Informed Investing To Protect Yourself
Pamela McDonald, Director of Communications and Education for the Commission, says, “We take that responsibility very seriously and we do it in a number of ways. We license and oversee the people who deal in investments, we make and enforce the rules of conduct and we educate investors to empower them with the tools that allow them to make informed decisions.”