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Ep. 507: A Bleak Market for EVs
We invited Adam Pankratz to join us for a Conversation That Matters on the trajectory of electric vehicle sales and what that says about government directives versus market forces.
Ep. 408: Ethanol: The Forgotten Alternative Fuel?
To take us on a fascinating examination of the history of ethanol, we invited Marc Rauch, the author of the “Ethanol Papers”, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the remarkable advantages to a fuel supplement that you can only buy at four gas stations in Canada and sparsely throughout the United States.
Ep. 388: Ahoy Batteries! Electric Batteries On Board
Stuart McNish invited Brent Perry of Shift Clean Energy to join him for a Conversation that Matters about his batteries-as-a-service model and how it will play a significant role in shifting shipping from black energy to clean energy.
Ep. 233: Ethanol: The Clean Fuel We Are Looking For?
We invited Marc Rauch to join us for a Conversation That Matters about a why ethanol gets so little respect as a fuel and why we need to learn to love it.
Ep. 157: Are Distracted Drivers Making Roads Dangerous?
ICBC says over the past five years, close to 400 people have lost their lives due to distracted driving. The insurance company, along with police forces throughout the province, are clamping down with an increasing number of counter-attack programs.