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Ep. 501: Is 2050 a Realistic Net-Zero Goal?
Roger Pielke Jr. joins us today for a Conversation That Matters about whether net-zero by 2050 is realistic.
Ep. 284: Can carbon dioxide heal or prevent traumatic brain injury?
We invited Dr Smith to join us for a Conversation That Matters about his research in reducing and healing traumatic brain injury.
Ep. 103: A Dearth of Carbon
Dr. Patrick Moore takes issue with NGOs over climate, genetically modified organisms and the "truth" about carbon. He says we were literally running out of carbon before we started to pump it back into the atmosphere.
Ep. 056: How to Capture Carbon to Make Fuel
Adrian Corless is the past CEO of Carbon Engineering, a company that is literally eating carbon from the air and mixing it with hydrogen and turning it into fuel.
Ep. 038: World In Midst of Carbon Drought
We’re in a carbon drought. That is according to Professor William Happer of Princeton University. The renowned physicist says when it comes to carbon dioxide, there’s more good than bad.
Ep. 027: Is Carbon Dioxide Making The World Greener?
Computer models do a good job of helping us understand climate but they do a very poor job of predicting it. That is according to physicist Freeman Dyson of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.