Ep. 346: The Right Stuff

Guest: Judy Desjarlais, TOP NOTCH Oilfield Contractors

“The Right Stuff” is a 1979 book by Tom Wolfe that celebrates the remarkable heroics for the flyboys that beat the odds and slipped the bonds of the Earth for the first time.

The focus of the book is on the guts and determination it took to risk it all in the pursuit of a worthy cause.

Judy Desjarlais is made of that same stuff – fearlessness, drive, determination, the ability to see opportunity where others don’t, and the willingness to go for it knowing full well that she doesn’t have all the answers. Judy says, “Sometimes you just gotta put yourself out there, you gotta start and not stop.”

For the past 18 years, Judy and her business partner and husband Boomer have been beating the odds in British Columbia’s oil patch. They fought their way through the great recession of 2008. They survived the decimation of the energy sector. And now they are poised to benefit from a resurgent economy in northeastern BC.

Judy says, “The key to success is a willingness to do what others won’t, for more hours every day than you can imagine. And at times, you have to say to your family: I love ya, but I just gotta do this.” She adds, then you need to add in a healthy dollop of faith because “faith is what got Boomer and me through some really tough times. It was needed as support for the nerves of steel we required to get through.”

Stuart McNish invited Judy Desjarlais of TOP NOTCH Oilfield Contractors to join him for a Conversation That Matters about a mindset that will not accept defeat.


Ep. 347: British Columbia’s World-Class Life Sciences


Ep. 345: Is all methane created equal?