Ep. 254: How Vancouver became the world’s fireworks capital

Guest: Ray Greenwood, founder, Celebration of Light

As they have every summer for the past 29 years, the skies over English Bay played host to an enormous public spectacle.

That was the scene from the water under the fireworks on July 27, 2019.

In an era when so many people have their faces buried in their phones, we are left wondering why so many people turn out to watch explosives go boom in the night sky. Does the Celebration of Light represent an element in modern society we are all crave? That’s what Ray Greenwood thinks when he says, “We want to be a part of the community; it’s been that way since the very first night.”

It’s an interesting observation, one that is both local and global. Fireworks shows have attracted large audiences for longer than mobile devices have been ubiquitous. But why, in a digital world, are the audience numbers growing?

Could it be that we yearn to rub shoulders with others? Feel the swell of emotion that a crowd of people creates? Do the fireworks force us to interact with one another? Do they create a focal point, a shared experience?

As previous guest Aileen McManamon points out, major sporting events bring us together and, at the same time, promote inclusion, environmental awareness and set examples. In the case of the fireworks, attendance is free and that means even more people can participate. It also means the opportunity to champion ideas and concepts is magnified. For example, this year there is an emphasis on reducing the use of single use plastics; the organizers are working with food vendors and encouraging them to offer alternatives.

We invited Raymond Greenwood, the man who got the whole thing started, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about major city events, why they’re good for the community and how to make them happen.


Ep. 255: Why British Columbia still lacks ridesharing


Ep. 253: Exposing Vancouver’s dark and chaotic history