Ep. 538: Selling Vancouver

Guest: Jacquie Griffiths (CEO of Invest Vancouver)

“France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Mexico, Singapore, and the United States have successful Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) agencies. Canada can learn from these nations,” states a 2016 Government of Canada report called “Bringing Foreign Investment to Canada.”

The report points out Canada is trailing far behind in efforts to invite foreign companies to set up shop here, despite the benefits FDI brings. The report points out, “FDI strengthens Canadian productive capacity through knowledge transfer, the development of human capital, and new technology, management techniques, and production processes.”

According to the report, central to attracting foreign business “is a commitment at the highest political level as well as the provision of financial support and resources needed, active involvement from senior government officials, a single agency that coordinates information and services across various government offices, top-level talent, a clear investment strategy, use of a ‘concierge’ service for investors, from initial contact and cultivation to assistance after the investment takes place. In the United States, the president, governors, and ambassadors are all involved in marketing and recruiting efforts.”

We invited Jacquie Griffiths, the CEO of Invest Vancouver, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about Greater Vancouver’s efforts to attract foreign direct investment.

Careers That Matter episode for Jacquie Griffiths

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Ep. 537: Leadership to Thrive