Ep. 224: Building Companies of Value

Guest: Ron Bremner, Gold Medal Consulting Group

According to the Business Development Bank of Canada, the coming decade will belong to employees.

The laws of supply and demand will put employees in charge of who they will work for, that’s because there will be more jobs than appropriate talent. Companies will be in search of talented staff.

The most effective way to attract the best and brightest will be to provide a workplace that embraces and stays current with technology, are socially and environmentally responsible, are inclusive, that produce goods and services of value and have built a corporate culture that supports and celebrates the team.

These concepts have been floating around for more than a decade. In principle, they make sense – making them a reality within your company is another matter. The guidebook is still being written.

We invited Executive Coach Ron Bremner to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the role of leadership in building and sustaining a corporate culture for the 21st century.


Ep. 225: Entrepreneurs can Change the World (If We Let Them)


Ep. 223: Solar Power That Actually Works