Ep. 062: How Copper Fuels Alternative Energy

Guest: Gianni Kovacevic, author

We need to keep our climate goals in perspective, according to author and investor Gianni Kovacevic.

He points out that about half of the world’s population is either just entering or about to enter the consumer class.

According to Kovacevic, the products they want will require energy to build. He says, “There is no government, no army and no spiritual force that will stop them from seeking the quality of life of developed nations.” He says the demand for electricity will grow from 5,600 gigawatts today to more than 14,000 gigawatts in the next 25 years – that’s close to a 150 per cent increase in power generation globally.

Copper is the key to moving these alternative sources forward.


Ep. 063: How To Design A City Of The Future


Ep. 061: Why Functional Medicine Works