Ep. 002: Federal Impact of Tsilhqot'in Decision

Guest: John Rustad, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs & Reconciliation

The Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation admits the landscape has changed.

He's eager to put a positive response on the Supreme Court decision because he wants to send a signal that BC is still open for business.

The province relies heavily on tax revenue from natural resources and in light of pending LNG and pipeline projects that will all require First Nations consent. Minister Rustad acknowledges it's a complex situation; he says, "What we need to do is figure out how to work with them." He goes on to say, "The good news is the Tsilhqot'in are very excited about wanting to do this and wanting to do this in partnership which is what our letter of understanding is about."

It's a sentiment that is echoed in future conversations with Tom Syer of the Business Council and UBC First Nations Studies Professor Linc Kesler.


Ep. 003: Movement Against Building More BC Pipelines


Ep. 001: "Tsilhqot'in Decision Shows Land Is Ours"