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Ep. 388: Ahoy Batteries! Electric Batteries On Board
Stuart McNish invited Brent Perry of Shift Clean Energy to join him for a Conversation that Matters about his batteries-as-a-service model and how it will play a significant role in shifting shipping from black energy to clean energy.
Ep. 375: Beef Industry’s Commitment to Carbon Reduction
We invited Ruariaidh Petre to join us from Nelson, New Zealand for a Conversation That Matters about the global effort underway to ensure cattle are a sustainable nutritional and environmental part of the world food supply.
Ep. 373: Sacred and Strong
We invited Dr Shannon McDonald, the acting Chief Health Officer of the First Nations Health Authority, to join Stu for a Conversation That Matters about developing supportive systems that are the roots of wellness that ensure healthy bodies, minds and spirits of First Nations women and girls.
Ep. 360: Is today finally hydrogen's day?
We invited Jessica Verhagen, the CEO of Hydra Energy, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about hydrogen’s role in a low carbon world.
Ep. 355: Is cattle ranching sustainable?
Stuart McNish invited fourth generation rancher Cherie Copithorne-Barnes to join him for this episode of Conversations That Matter, Food for Thought to ask her about beef.
Ep. 345: Is all methane created equal?
Stuart McNish invited Dr. Robert Howarth of Cornell University to join him for a Conversation That Matters about digging deeper to understand the complex world of methane.
Ep. 344: How can we stop one billion bottles?
We invited David Katz of Plastic Bank to join us for a Conversation That Matters about working to ensure plastic can be recycled, can be a part of the circular economy and can continue to play a positive role in people’s lives.
Ep. 343: Why farming is a risky business
We invited Kristjan Hebert for a Conversation That Matters episode about the business of farming in Canada.
Ep. 338: Agriculture: problem or solution?
We invited agricultural climate specialist Dr. Jeff Seale to join us for a Conversation That Matters, Food For Thought episode, about working with plants to help reduce carbon in the atmosphere.
Ep. 334: Do Catastrophic Predictions Come True?
We invited Dr. Patrick Moore to join us for a Conversation That Matters about predictions of catastrophic threats.
Ep. 333: Why cows might not be the villains of climate change
We invited Dr Frank Mitloehner to join us for a Conversation That Matters about cows, cattle, the environment and how we can’t live without ruminants.
Ep. 330: Is our focus on single-use plastics off base?
We invited Dr Chris DeArmitt to join us for a Conversation That Matters about plastics, the myths and misconceptions.
Ep. 325: Are cows getting a bad greenhouse gas rap?
We invited Myles Allen to join us for a Conversation That Matters about why a steady herd size of cows is not the problem and a slow decrease in herd size, may in fact be part of the solution.
Ep. 320: What’s the beef with beef?
We invited Bob Lowe, the President of the Cattlemen’s Association to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the vital role cattle play in our well-being and the well-being of the environment.
Ep. 316: Is there such a thing as a good war?
We invited Seth Klein, the author of “A Good War,” to join us for a Conversation That Matters about why he says it's time to mobilize the intellectual, financial and natural resources of this country to defeat climate change.
Ep. 304: William Vogt: The Grandfather of Environmentalism
We invited Charles C. Mann to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the incredible influence of William Vogt in shaping the environmental movement.
Ep. 303: Is Michael Bloomberg wrong about farmers?
We invited Robert Saik, author of Food 5.0 and ag industry thought leader, to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the remarkable world of farming in Canada.
Ep. 298: The link between food production and fossil fuels
We caught up with QDM on his farm in Saskatchewan as he was seeding one of his fields. We invited him to join us for a Conversation That Matters about him, his message and why he is not going to stop sharing his down-to-earth messages.
Ep. 279: Clearing up the issues about climate change (Part 2)
In part two of our conversation with Environment Canada climate scientist Greg Flato, we discuss the dynamics of CO2 in the troposphere, the tropopause and the stratosphere.
Ep. 277: Why we need honeybees to survive
We invited beekeepers Amanda and Jeff Lee of Swan Valley Honey to join us for a Conversation That Matter about the intricate relationship we have with pollinators who ensure we all can enjoy a plentiful and delicious diet.