Ep. 508: Generously Giving

Guest: Megan Owen-Evans, Neptune Terminals

In the book “Why Good Things Happen to Good People,” Stephen Post writes that “giving to others” has been shown to increase health benefits.

A separate study by Michael Norton from Harvard Business School revealed that “people are happier when they spend money on others versus themselves.” Megan Owen-Evans went far beyond the giving of money – she donated a kidney and part of her liver to two different anonymous recipients.

“Donating a kidney or a part of your liver is an enormous undertaking,” says Owen-Evans. “Not only do you need to take time for the surgery and recovery, [but] you also undergo a plethora of tests that consume vast amounts of time” – time that takes the donor away from work and family. “The cost in lost salary is significant.”

Fully aware of the impact on donors, Owen-Evans set out to change the financial impact on these generous souls who give of themselves. As President of Neptune Terminals, Owen-Evans established a new policy: “paid time off for donors.” It's a concept that is gaining support from other major employers in British Columbia, such as Beedie Development and the David Foster Foundation.

We invited Megan Owen-Evans to join us for a Conversation That Matters about corporate giving that supports employees and offers the gift of life to people in desperate need.


Want to learn more about our guest?

Check out their profile on our partnered program, Careers That Matter!


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