Ep. 505: Has the Floatel Sunk?

Guest: Christine Kennedy (Woodfibre LNG)

The District of Squamish denied Woodfibre LNG’s application for a temporary use permit for its Bridgemans “floatel,” citing concerns over safety, environmental, and community impacts.

Council also cited a lack of information from the company as its reasons for saying no to the refurbished cruise ship that is intended to act as a floating workforce accommodation.

“[It’s] hard to comprehend,” said Christine Kennedy, the President of Woodfibre LNG. “The District has asked repeatedly since 2019 – to the company and to regulators – that the project workforce be housed outside of Squamish, which is exactly what the floatel delivers.”

Kennedy goes on to say, “A councillor suggested that there are better solutions than a floatel. Housing options were considered and discussed with the District over a five-year engagement process, during which the District repeatedly asked the company and regulators to house non-local workers outside the community due to low vacancy rates in Squamish. Woodfibre LNG responded with the floatel. If Council had better ideas, they had five years to bring those forward.”

On Tuesday May 21, Squamish Council decided to reconsider its decision and has posted a final vote until June 4th.

We invited Christine Kennedy to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the process the company followed in the development of the floatel and what this potential rejection means to the project and to BC’s investment reputation.

Careers That Matter episode for Christine Kennedy

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