Ep. 350: British Columbia mining: leading the world

Guest: Adam Pankratz, Sauder School of Business at UBC

For generations, mining operations across British Columbia have provided high-paying jobs and economic activity in every region of the province.

According to the Mining Association of BC, “mining continues to be vital to the provincial economy and standard of living. BC’s minerals and metals are key ingredients in clean energy technologies and are helping the world transition to a cleaner, lower carbon economy.” The Association goes on to point out that “BC’s mines and smelters support more than 35,000 workers across the province from Campbell River to Cranbrook, and from Victoria to Vanderhoof.”

BC’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation forecast the total value of mine production in the province to exceed $9.2 billion for 2020 and that was before copper and gold prices rose. The province is endowed with a vast array of minerals and deposits; it is Canada’s largest coal producer, a leader in the production of copper and the only producer of molybdenum. As well, there is significant production of gold, silver, lead and zinc – just some of the more than 30 industrial minerals produced in BC.

Adam Pankratz, Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Business Economics at UBC’s Sauder School of Business says, “BC isn’t home to many world company headquarters except when it comes to mining.” Pankrantz says the province and Vancouver in particular are centres of excellence in every aspect of mining. The Mining Association confirmed this in a recent report, stating, “Most of the major players operating in the province are either BC-based or Canadian companies. Over time, this has led to the Lower Mainland becoming a global mining centre, with one of the largest concentrations of industry-related professionals in the world.”

Stuart McNish invited Adam Pankratz of the Sauder School of Business to join him for a Conversation That Matters about mining in BC.


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