Ep. 340: What is the magnitude of the Western Alienation plan?

Guest: Preston Manning, Reform Party fmr. leader

Western Alienation is one thing – separation is another.

Preston Manning says, “Separation does not enhance Alberta’s clout. In fact, it diminishes it.” As a standalone landlocked entity, Alberta will have less bargaining power than it has now, according to Manning. He says it’s time to think big.

Alberta was carved out of the massive region known as the Northwest Territories to limit its influence politically and economically in 1905. And Manning asks, “What is the magnitude of your objective? Do you want to be a small little country that would be under tremendous pressure to join the United States within 20 to 30 years? Or do you want to re-invigorate the role and magnitude of the great northwest?”

Manning maintains that the future belongs to the West: “We’re on the right end of the country as Asia-Pacific influence continues to grow.” With a smile, he says, “That’s my optimism showing!”

We invited Preston Manning to join us for a Conversation That Matters about Alberta, the current state of discontent and a potential path forward.


Ep. 341: Is British Columbia leading the way in digital health?


Ep. 339: Is the Great Barrier Reef dying?