Ep. 260: Running as an independent

Guest: Jody Wilson-Raybould, MP for Vancouver-Granville

Beverley McLachlin, who served as Canada’s 17th Chief Justice in an article titled, “The judiciary’s distinctive role in our constitutional democracy,” stated: “It is the rule of law that has traditionally provided the necessary limits on stark majoritarianism.

“It is the rule of law that ensures that elected representatives do not exceed or abuse their powers. And it is the law that protects minorities and permits the accommodations essential to long-term stability.”

Over the past 8 months, we have witnessed the rule of law come under intense pressure from a Prime Minister who used his majority position and his agents – namely the Clerk of the Privy Council, a man who was the former Deputy Minister of Northern and Indian Affairs to harangue – demote and then expel his Justice Minister from his party because he didn’t like her adherence to the rule of law.

As Jody Wilson-Raybould points out, we must administer the law evenly across all sectors of society. She paid a significant price for standing up for her principles. She is now an independent Member of Parliament who is seeking re-election.

We invited Jody Wilson-Raybould to join us for a Conversation That Matters about her reasons for seeking a second term in Vancouver-Granville, why adherence to the rule of law is fundamentally important in our democracy.

Stu also wanted to talk in depth with her about an issue of great importance to him and to Canada: that is, improving our relationship with indigenous people and ensuring they are given the same resources and respect that everyone deserves.


Ep. 261: Enabling Future Leaders Through Education


Ep. 259: How secure is your online information?