Ep. 243: How to truly include First Nations in our society

Guest: Senator Murray Sinclair

Are we on the cusp of a breakthrough in relations between indigenous people in Canada and the rest of the country?

Or are we swirling around in a quagmire that provides us with an illusion of progress, only to consume it at the point of hope?

When the current Prime Minister was elected, he indicated he was going to tackle the issues that divide us and embrace our common humanity. Steps would be taken to move us closer to true reconciliation. But that begs the question – what is reconciliation?

The TRC, or Truth and Reconciliation Commission, was created to provide a venue for victims of the residential school system to be heard – to have their stories become a part of the public record. But it was not, nor is it a guidebook to a coming together of equals.

We invited Senator Murray Sinclair to join us for a Conversation That Matters about some of the elements that are required to create a society that goes beyond lip service and become one of respect and acknowledgement of our First Peoples rightful place in the country and in our society.


Ep. 244: What is the value in early exposure to nature?


Ep. 242: Can AI change the meaning of being human?