Ep. 232: How to Prepare for Death

Guest: Stephen Garrett, Memorial Society of British Columbia

“Death the Final Stage of Growth” by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross details the fact that we are a death-denying society.

That may be the case but as Stephen Garrett points out, there are more than 900,000 people in British Columbia over the age of 65 who are going to die – and pretty soon.

Garrett says, “We’re woefully under-prepared. We’re under-prepared emotionally, psychologically and sociologically for the inevitable.” He says that means people are going to be angry, scared, alone and frequently unattended to by health care services that will be overwhelmed.

He has a clear idea about you can do to come to grips with passing on and doing so in a responsible manner. Coming to grips with death, he says, “is one thing. Being prepared emotionally, financially, legally and attending to your health needs – well, that’s another and it’s your responsibility to address these issues.”

We invited Stephen Garrett of the Memorial Society to join us for a Conversation That Matters about heading off over the horizon without regrets and having your affairs in order.


Ep. 233: Ethanol: The Clean Fuel We Are Looking For?


Ep. 231: Why the Rugby Sevens Are the Next Big Thing