Ep. 227: Seeing into the Future

Guest: Nikolas Badminton, futurist

There is an adage that warns against making predictions, especially if they have anything to do with the future.

It’s a fun way to protect yourself against unforeseen factors that can change the course of history and quickly.

The benefit of science and data research is we can see and document current trends. Those people, like futurist Nik Badminton, study that information and project potential outcomes. The predictions have been remarkably accurate. Nikola Tesla predicted Wi-Fi in 1909, Jules Verne foresaw a man on the moon back in 1865, and what about Ray Bradbury? He foretold of earbuds in 1953, and Edward Bellamy envisioned debit cards way back in 1888.

Even still, few envisioned the world we live in today – well, except for Gene Roddenberry, who envisioned the communicator and tricoder and warp drives and the granddaddy of them all, the “Beam Me Up, Scotty” transporter.

That begs the question: what is in the near future for us? We invited futurist Nik Badminton to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the ways in which our world will change in a radical and creative ways.


Ep. 228: From Midwest Gal to Astronaut: The Path to NASA


Ep. 226: The Secret Lives of Pacific Salmon