Ep. 105: Miniversity: A New High School Model

Guest: Graham Baldwin, CEO of Winston Education Group

It’s time to treat high school seniors with respect.

That is according to Graham Baldwin, CEO of Winston Education Group. He contends that we “treat people in grades 10 through 12 a little bit more like adults than high school children, in an attempt to get them ready for not only going to university, but succeeding there. We want them to be ready for success.”

He created what he calls a “Miniversity” where seniors study intensive 20 day blocks of only one subject. Baldwin says, “We’ve re-imagined everything, really, back to the bare bones. And knowing what we know now about learning, knowing what we know now about universities, what would grade 10 through 12 education look like for people who are preparing for that?”


Ep. 106: The State of BC Power Generations


Ep. 104: British Columbians Live the Longest in Canada