Ep. 090: Links Between Trump and Brexit

Guest: Lord David Blunkett, Former British MP

Donald Trump and BREXIT campaigns are filled with mis-information that is playing on the breakdown of voter trust in traditional politics.

That is according to Professor Lord David Blunkett. “The world should be mindful of how the current mood can lead voters to consider wacky proposals and destabilizing opt-out mechanisms.”

He points to Trump’s “crazy wall between Mexico and the US to keep out illegal immigrants” and the British Out-Campaign’s comparison of the EU to a Hitler-like “European State” as examples.

Blunkett was originally opposed to the UK joining the EU but says he has come to realize it is a “marriage of economic, social and international survival. The EU is an economic and political partnership involving 28 European countries.”

He goes on to say, “Britain’s exodus from the Union would be catastrophic. It would erode Britain’s substantial role in helping Europe deal with Islamic state terrorism, organized crime and mass migration.”


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