Ep. 073: Ensuring Indigenous Kids Graduate

Guest: Sidney Katz, Dogwood 25 co-founder

Sid Katz wants inner city indigenous students to graduate from high-school.

That is why he co-founded Dogwood-25, an after school program designed to achieve that. “In the Lower Mainland, the graduation rate [of aboriginal children] is at least 20% lower than the graduation rate of non-Aboriginal children.”

Together with former Premier of British Columbia, Mike Harcourt, Dogwood-25 was created to ensure First Nations youth are given the education and self-confidence they require to realize their full potential. Katz points, “Energy-based companies are looking for Aboriginal workers and can't find qualified workers.”

Dogwood refers to BC’s High School graduation certificate, the obtaining of which is at the core of the program. Katz says, “We want young Aboriginal students to see what the possibilities are and move towards them. And ultimately it comes to academics; pushing [and] being pushed, really, is the best way to do it. And the comfort zone has to be there as well. So, for Aboriginal children, why you're there and what you intend to accomplish and what is that incredible job at the other end of the line?”


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