Ep. 049: Stop The Killing

Guest: Marta Cunningham, LGBTQ Filmmaker

There is a world of hate directed at people who are gay, lesbian and transgender.

Marta Cunningham is the American documentary film producer of "Valentine Road," a film that looks inside this world.

It looks at both sides of the murder of Lawrence King, a young man who was shot by a fellow classmate because he let it be known he liked another male. Cunningham says the film "isn't just about the victim but also the perpetrator. It starts with who he was as a person, and how the community at that school, the environment and the culture of hatred that was at that school."

Cunningham's film won critical acclaim at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and was acquired by HBO. She says its release comes at a time of flux in North America. She says, "We've got this incredible progressive movement, of acceptance. And then we have states popping up right and left that not only are not for marriage equality, but are actually thinking about barring people from restaurants that are LGBTQ."


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