Ep. 047: Why there are fewer young Canadian entrepreneurs

Guest: Pierre Cléroux, Business Development Bank

“Over the past 10 years, fewer and fewer young Canadians are choosing to become entrepreneurs.”

That is according to Pierre Cleroux, the Chief Economist at the Business Development Bank of Canada.

He says the decline in entrepreneurship can have serious consequences for the economy now and well into the future. “It’s a concern because new entrepreneurs are very important in the creation of new jobs and they play a fundamental role in the development of innovation.”

There are a number of reasons why the rates of young entrepreneurs are dropping. They include, but are not limited to: a) high education debts upon graduation, b) a strong job market, c) high risk and d) a very complex business landscape.


Ep. 048: Smart Investors Take the High Road


Ep. 046: From Mental Illness to Wellness: A Guide