Ep. 041: First Nations Issues Are Not Just In The Past

Guest: Linc Kesler, Professor at the University of British Columbia

The Tsilhqot’in and the "Truth and Reconciliation" report are the beginning of a national healing process that has only just begun.

That is according to Linc Kesler Professor of First Nations and Indigenous studies at the University of British Columbia.

Professor Kesler says, “We all need to have a deep knowledge and appreciation of the history of Canada and its relationship with First Peoples. Until we do, we can’t heal the deep wound in the country has suffered.”

According to Professor Kesler, First Peoples want to be a part of Canada, they want to participate in its richness of this country, they want to contribute. He points out the path to a better future must start by healing the past.


Ep. 042: Healing The Wounds of First Nations


Ep. 040: How is Canada Fighting Terrorism?