Ep. 023: No To Vancouver Transit Referendum

Guest: Jordan Bateman, Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Jordan Bateman thinks you should vote "no" in the Vancouver transit referendum.

He says TransLink has wasted too much of taxpayers money to be trusted with any more of it. As proof, he points to the former CEO Ian Jarvis' salary. He goes on to point out Mr. Jarvis' move to restore public confidence by stepping down did exactly the opposite. Bateman contends taxpayers are fed up and he's encouraging them to vote against that tax increase.

Bateman maintains that in the face of a "no" vote, the government and TransLink will have to clean up the transit system and he contends in doing so, they’ll find the money they need to make the improvements that new tax is designed to underwrite.


Ep. 024: The Two Sides of Vancouver's Transit Referendum


Ep. 022: Yes to Vancouver Transit Referendum